Exit Light Requirements In Australia

Do you actually need exit lights in your building? What are the requirements you need to follow? We get a lot of questions about exit light requirements in Australia and what specifically businesses need to have to be compliant.  There are a lot of legal regulations that dictate where exit lights and other fire safety equipment needs … Read more

Emergency Exit Light Inspection Requirements

Fire safety doesn’t just involve having a working fire extinguisher. There are many things that commercial businesses must have to meet fire safety standards and also to ensure that they and their employees are safe. Emergency exit lighting provides safe directions to ensure people can escape a building in times of emergency. They are particularly … Read more

How Often To Test Emergency Lighting

Exit & emergency lighting is an integral part of fire safety and can be a necessity to meet Australian fire safety regulations. The lighting ensures that in emergency situations, you can locate and see your way to exit the building or premises.    How does emergency lighting work? If your power goes out in your … Read more

Hose Reels

Install Reliable Fire Hydrants and Hose Reels in Your Business The two most essential components of a functioning fire hydrant are hose reels and the connection to the water main. If your system has a flaw in either of those two components, you cannot rely on your fire hydrant to function properly in the event … Read more

Smoke Alarm Systems

Keep Your Smoke Alarm System Compliant with Brisbane Fire Services Is a smoke alarm at your business malfunctioning or failing? If so, then you are likely due for an inspection and fire safety assessment. At Brisbane Fire Services, we are here to help. We regularly work with commercial businesses such as yours to help ensure … Read more

Emergency Lighting Solutions

Maintain Emergency Lighting with the Help of Brisbane Fire Services During a fire or some other workplace emergency, the emergency lighting in your building can mean the difference between employees finding their way to safety and getting trapped on the third or fourth floor with no way out. At Brisbane Fire Services, we help commercial businesses … Read more

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