What is a Fire Detection and Alarm System?

April 19, 2021

Did you know that the risk of a fatality in a home fire is halved if there is a working smoke alarm in a residential dwelling?

Fire detection and alarm systems are designed to discover fires early in their development. This helps to reduce the risk of fatalities or injuries, as well as minimising property damage. Property loss can be decreased with early detection because detection systems can start to detect fire before it ignites. Some alarm systems can send information to emergency responders on the location of the fire, which again hastens the control of the fire.

Early detection is one of the most important measures in reducing the severity of fires and it plays a tremendous role in helping to protect emergency response personnel who attend to the fire.

But it’s not just homes that fire alarm systems make a big difference in. Businesses and other types of buildings rely on fire detection systems to ensure the safety of staff and customers, as well as ensuring all guidelines for the business are being met.

But what is a fire detection and alarm system exactly? Let’s take a closer look at what these systems are and why they are so important for fire safety.

What is a fire detection and alarm system?

Fire alarm systems work by detecting the initial stages of fires, such as picking up smoke particles in the air, and emit an audible alarm to notify building occupants of a potential fire. They can be a singular alarm or an interlinked system. The alarm gives people time to exit the building safely before the fire takes hold, and can help to provide early notification to fire and rescue services.

Fire alarm system requirements can change depending on the type of building and the risk of certain fires within them. Some buildings may be more at risk than others, particularly if they are dealing with at-risk activities like cooking, or storing substances that are highly flammable, such as factories.

Why are fire detection systems important?

There are many benefits and reasons these systems are important, but one of the most crucial is that they save lives. Fires are dangerous and life threatening, and they have the potential to escalate rapidly. What may seem like a bit of smoke can very quickly ignite into a raging fire. Fires are no joke and it’s why we take them so seriously.

It’s not just the flames that are dangerous as well, the smoke created in these situations is also highly hazardous and life threatening. Fire detection systems can work by detecting the smoke coming from fires in their initial stages.

Fire alarm and detection systems also reduce the potential damage to buildings and the items within. They also reduce fires spreading throughout the building and even to other buildings close by.

What fire alarm services do Brisbane Fire Services provide?

Brisbane Fire Services offers a range of services for fire detection systems and fire safety products in general. As part of our service, we can provide, install, maintain and repair fire alarm and detection systems. We service the Brisbane area and have extensive experience and understanding of providing fire safety services to Brisbane businesses.

As part of our fire alarm services, we test them on a regular monthly, 6 monthly & annual basis in accordance with Australian Standard 1851-2012.

Fire and smoke detectors are the most vital pieces of fire protection equipment, as they detect the first signs of a fire and can alert you to the problem long before you would notice it otherwise. This is why it’s essential that these systems work correctly and are regularly maintained. Rather than wondering when the next testing should take place for your systems, our services ensure that regular maintenance and testing takes place and that you are up to standard in Queensland. We handle everything for you from start to finish.

Our fire safety systems are maintained by our expert technicians with ease. They have extensive experience and know exactly what is required for Brisbane businesses. As part of our fire protection services, we also provide monthly testing for all fire alarm panels to ensure that everything is functioning properly.

On top of this, we also provide services for:

Emergency and exit lighting
Fire extinguishers
Hydrants and hose reels
Fire assessment and training

If you have any questions about any of our services or are still wondering what a fire detection and alarm system is, our team is here to help. If you want to ensure your building is entirely safe, give us a call on 0499 198 427 or email to enquire about our services. Our experts can produce advice and assistance on all things fire safety and give you peace of mind.

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