Fire Hydrant Monthly Inspection Checklist

August 3, 2021

Imagine fire brigade services arriving at a building fire and not having access to water. It’s a scary thought. Fighting fires without water is next to impossible, so it’s important that the water systems in and around buildings are fully functional.

Many businesses in Brisbane will have a fire hydrant system in place to ensure that they are properly prepared in the event of the fire. It’s essential that these building owners and occupiers maintain the hydrant systems. It could literally save lives.

The Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) state that if you are an owner, or a business or a person, that is occupying, or managing a building in Queensland, you have a legal obligation to ensure the safety of any person in that building in the event of a fire or other emergency.


Australian hydrant systems

Fire hydrants can be different around the world, with the systems changing depending on the requirements of that country or local area, as well as the water systems in use. There are standards and codes in Australia that require fire hydrants systems to be installed in certain classes of buildings. The Building Code of Australia (Part E1.3) dictates the kinds of buildings that require hydrants and the types of hydrants that are required for them.

These standards specify that the fire hydrant system design must meet the operational requirements of the attending fire service. The function of the fire hydrants can be a life-or-death proposition, so it’s essential that building owners and occupiers ensure that they are inspected and maintained regularly.

Parts like fire hoses and hydrant boosters are integral to the hydrant system, and must be properly maintained to ensure the whole system is operational. Boosters provide a point of attachment so that fire brigades can provide additional water to the hydrant system in emergency cases. As per the QFES guidelines, the booster systems should incorporate a site-plan that shows where all on-site hydrants are located. This means that attending fire services will be able to effectively and immediately deploy their resources.


Fire hydrant monthly inspection checklist

As part of the QFES tools for Building Owners and Occupiers, they supply an inspection checklist that can help businesses understand what is required of them in regards to fire hydrant fire safety.

Take a look at their inspection checklist points for fire hydrants below:

On-site Hydrant System

  1. Is the on-site Fire Hydrant Booster Installation undamaged?
  2. Are the on-site Fire Hydrants undamaged?
  3. Can current maintenance records for the on-site Hydrant System be produced upon request?

Hydrant/Sprinkler Pumpsets

  1. Are the Hydrant/Sprinkler Pumpsets correctly maintained?
  2. Can current maintenance records for Pumpsets be produced upon request?


Brisbane Fire Services hydrant inspections

All this talk of fire hydrant requirements and building codes can be a little confusing for business owners and building occupiers. Instead of being overwhelmed by it all, it’s easier and safer to engage fire safety specialists to handle your fire safety obligations.

We offer services for hydrants and hose reels in Brisbane and the surrounding region, including Inspection, Test & Preventative maintenance to Australian Standards 1851-2012.

A part of our fire protection services is six (6) monthly inspections of hydrants and hose reels to assess for damage and that the hydrant and hose reel is clear of obstructions. We also offer annual tests for the presence of water and conduct water flow tests on most hydraulically disadvantaged hydrants and hose reel.

Fire hydrants and fire hose reel systems can be a front-line defence in preventing serious fires, by providing a strong jet of water to douse flames. This is why we take hydrants and all fire safety equipment very seriously.

On top of our hydrant and hose reel testing and fire hose inspection services, we also offer inspection and maintenance services for emergency and exit lights, fire extinguishers, and fire detection and alarm systems, as well as provide fire training and assessment for you and your team.

Our team is fully trained and qualified to handle all of your fire safety equipment and understand the requirements and obligations that you have to meet. They will be able to handle everything for you, from installation, inspection, testing, regular maintenance and full maintenance records.

We can also provide expert advice if you are unsure of the types and placement of your fire safety equipment in your building. There are precise requirements, so it’s important that these are followed for safety and to meet your obligations. For example, every different type of fire requires a different type of extinguisher, as do different buildings and locations. Any fire safety needs you have, we’ve got you covered!

If you have any questions or would like to see how our team can help you, get in touch by calling 0499 198 427 or emailing us at


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