Fire Alarm Systems

March 10, 2025

Protect Your Staff and Customers with Reliable Fire Alarms in Brisbane

Fire alarms are an essential component of maintaining a safe business, and it’s no exaggeration to say that in a tough situation, people’s lives may depend on them. The government also mandates that companies have a functioning, high-quality fire prevention and detection system. Below, we clear up several misconceptions about fire detection in Brisbane and explain why you can trust Brisbane Fire Services.

Myths about Fire Detection

It’s not surprising how infrequently most people think about the quality of their fire systems. Generally, this will only happen when it’s time for an annual inspection. Consider some myths that many people hold:

  • It Happens to Someone Else – In reality, a fire can happen to anyone. Every business is susceptible, whether it’s from a malfunctioning electrical outlet, a haywire chemical reaction in a laboratory, or someone smoking in the wrong location. Let us help you diagnose and mitigate the areas that your business has a high risk of fire.
  • Equipment Lasts Forever – That old fire alarm from the 1990s isn’t going to work forever. Over time, circuitry degrades, and the sensors could stop functioning. Don’t take a risk with old fire alarms in Queensland, when you can instead always maintain a functioning system that protects you year-round.
  • Any System Works – Not all fire alarms in QLD are suited to the task. Larger buildings especially call for more complicated systems that effectively monitor the entirety of your building. If your business works with sensitive documents or flammable materials, then you need to have a more robust system to catch fires the instant they start.

Why a Customer Should Use Brisbane Fire Services

Several qualities distinguish us from other inspection companies in Brisbane:

  • For 13 years, we’ve been serving businesses in Queensland. This experience has honed our skills so that we may swiftly and comprehensively conduct inspections and install the most effective fire prevention and detection systems. There is no replacement for actual familiarity with these systems in real locations.
  • We’re a family-owned and operated business, so we put exceptional care into everything we do. When you contact us, you’re not speaking to a faceless employee in an international corporation. Instead, you’re talking to the same people who will come to your business and provide exceptional service.
  • Our team is composed of trade-qualified technicians who have shown that they can reliably inspect and evaluate every element of your fire detection system, including emergency lighting, hydrants and hose reels, and alarm systems.

About Brisbane Fire Services

Our staff is QBCC-accredited and knowledgeable regarding commercial fire detection and prevention systems. We handle everything related to fire detection and prevention systems, from initial installation through routine maintenance and repair. Since the Queensland Government requires that businesses comply with governmental fire safety regulations, we ensure that your business is in accord with each aspect of those regulations. We also keep a maintenance record of all the work we perform for your business. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and ensure that your business is within regulatory compliance.

FPA Bronze Accreditation
© BNE FIRE PTY LTD / TA Brisbane Fire Services | QBCC: 15152684 | ABN: 12 634 683 079