Benefits of Fire Detection & Alarm Systems for Businesses

  Early fire detection is crucial to the safety of building occupants and minimising damage to the property and surrounding properties. Fire detection and alarm systems help to warn building occupants about imminent danger and give them time to escape to safety. Without these systems in place, occupants might only become aware of a fire … Read more

Should Emergency & Exit Lights Be On All The Time?

  Emergency lighting helps to ensure occupants can safely and orderly exit the building in the event of an emergency. It illuminates and identifies the safe exit location so that people can see it in low lighting or in power outages. These types of emergency lights are a requirement in any public or commercial building … Read more

Fire Hydrants vs. Fire Hose Reels: Key Differences

  In the event of a fire, controlling the blaze before it engulfs the premises can help to prevent extensive damage and loss of life. Fire safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, fire hose reels and fire hydrants are the first line of defence against fires, providing different methods to bring a range of fires … Read more

What Are The Fire Extinguisher Signage Requirements In Brisbane?

    There are many requirements in place for fire safety equipment and procedures in Australia, and these can change depending on the state or territory that you are in. In Queensland, there are specific compliance requirements that ensure the safety of businesses and the people within them. For instance, if you are an owner, … Read more

Fire Hydrant Monthly Inspection Checklist

Imagine fire brigade services arriving at a building fire and not having access to water. It’s a scary thought. Fighting fires without water is next to impossible, so it’s important that the water systems in and around buildings are fully functional. Many businesses in Brisbane will have a fire hydrant system in place to ensure … Read more

What Do Fire Alarms Detect?

Building fires, like any fire, are dangerous and potentially life threatening. Unfortunately, firefighters have to fight thousands of building fires every year. To safely escape a building fire, early warning is vital. That’s why fire alarms are incredibly important for every home and business across Australia. However, with several different types of alarms out there, … Read more

Fire Hose Inspection in Brisbane

There are many ways to help detect and fight fires, from alarms to extinguishers, hydrants and hose reels. Each piece of equipment works in different ways to help protect you and those around you. When people think of fighting fires, they often think of high pressure water hoses, as these are the kind that firefighters … Read more

Are Fire Extinguishers A Legal Requirement?

Fire extinguishers may not be the most glamorous part of an office or workplace, but ignoring requirements around fire safety could become a serious issue. Not only is it dangerous if an emergency situation were to arise, but you can also receive fines for not following fire safety codes.  So this begs the question, are … Read more

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